Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know when my appointment is scheduled? Will I have to sign consent to use Virtual Care? Is there any cost associated with my appointment? Will my appointment be recorded? Will there be other people attending my appointment? Is my participation in virtual care mandatory? How can I make sure my virtual care appointment is private and secure? How is my privacy protected?If you are attending a virtual care appointment outside a healthcare facility, you will receive an email once your appointment is confirmed with instructions and links that show you how to take part in your virtual care appointment.
For virtual care consultations, consent is implied, meaning you show you are consenting by showing up for the appointment. However, certain programs or health care providers may require your written consent.
No, there is no cost associated with your appointment, as long as you have a valid Newfoundland and Labrador MCP Card.
Sessions are not typically recorded. Your session will not be audio or video recorded without asking for your consent before your appointment.
The names and identities of all people joining the session should be shared and confirmed (as applicable). This includes any other healthcare providers and/or support people you want to attend your appointment with you. Attendance of any support person should be talked about with your provider before your appointment.
Participating in a virtual care appointment is voluntary and you may stop the appointment at any time. If you do not wish to continue with your virtual care appointment an in-person appointment can be arranged.
You should take steps to make sure your personal computer, mobile device, home internet, or Wi-Fi connection is secure (i.e. password protected). Please be aware of your surroundings and do not use virtual care technology in a public or unsecure environment (i.e. an airport, restaurant or coffee shop, or open area).
Information that has been provided in order to schedule your appointment, such as your name and email address, may only be collected, used, or shared in accordance with legislation such as the Access to information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 and the Personal Health Information Act. Health care providers and those who require access to support you during your virtual care appointment will have access to your appointment information. This may include staff that are scheduling appointments, or IT staff when necessary to troubleshoot technical issues. The Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS) has made every reasonable effort to ensure the security of the virtual care technology, however, NLHS is not responsible for making sure that a patient or provider’s personal computer, mobile device, home internet, or Wi-Fi connection is secure.